What does this mean to the field of mathematics? It seems to me that mathematics would be a non-empirical fiction that simply conforms to our desires for probable forecasting within acceptable amounts of error but may have no bearing on a "real" world.

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From the previous article:

Math and logic are stories which are told—a system of reasoning created by man which makes use of theoretical forms in attempts to describe a state of the world, and which are in-turn described by and derived from the prior experience of other people; those who observed before us.


I would say that math is essentially a language, and a language is necessarily an empirical derivative because observation of and comparison against the physical world is the only way in which value can be assigned to objects. And so, while math is an example of something theoretical and therefore metaphysical, its use in the theorization of a non-real world only really finds value and application when compared against the real, physical world in order to backtest its validity.

For example, theoretical physics, which seeks to theorize things which could potentially be real in the physical world, but the phenomena which it describes we could only say strictly “exists” with certainty if we were actually able to observe the phenomena in real life.

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Evolution is heterosexual.

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